loose connections

posted in: American Adventure | 0

One evening shortly before Thanksgiving 2012 a good friend and I whiled away half an evening in a bookshop in San Francisco. Having been in the states for about a month, I had realised that with the exception of required … Continued


posted in: American Adventure | 0

I’d be lying if I said that the turn of this year hasn’t been marked by a lingering disappointment that for now and the forseeable future I will not be make a living from research and teaching. Although I am … Continued

soul man

posted in: American Adventure | 0

Over the last 12 years I have always been the proud owner-wearer of at least one pair of Dr Marten’s boots. It’s hard to enthuse enough about how awesome they are, comfortable, waterproof, durable, wear them to work, dress them … Continued

getaway hideaway

posted in: landscape | 0

Early this month we spent a while in a perfect Icelandic hideway. Its a rare and delicious thing to have nothing better to do than drink tea and watch the landscape shift from dormant-almost-spring to snowscape, mountains and volcanoes emerging … Continued

writer’s hesitance

posted in: general musings | 0

Driving home from a night out on Saturday I bored my long-suffering husband with all the reasons why I hadn’t been writing my blog recently. I had high hopes of keeping up the occasional posts to document stuff of interest … Continued

things to make and do

posted in: general musings, stuff | 0

If you’d have asked me what household item I’d miss when I moved to the US I’m fairly certain I’d have probably picked some convenience from the kitchen, blender, cake tins, the pasta maker. Surprisingly, the item I missed the … Continued

Memory Box

posted in: general musings | 0

In a vague attempt to see the carpet in the front bedroom, I have been working my way through unpacking and sorting out various boxes of my stuff left over from the move last year. Just when I thought that … Continued