Our in-person courses return from Autumn 2023!

I am super excited to reveal that our CIfA Approved courses, supported by Air Photo Services will be back at the Shaftesbury Centre, Swindon later this year!
We’re relaunching with our flagship Making the Most of Lidar and Advanced Lidar courses in October and November respectively, with QGIS for Desk Based Assessments and Lidar at the Desk and Field to follow in spring 2024 (and if you can’t wait for spring don’t forget our online QGIS course via learnlidar.com).
We’ve really missed leading these sessions and look forward to bring our refreshed content to you all. Don’t miss out – book your spaces now!
CIfA 2023 Talk – Developing the EAC Guidelines co-working across a continent

I was pleased to be able to present at CIfA 2023 in the “International cultural heritage: applying professional standards and skills in challenging environments” session.
The session itself was convened by the International Practice Special Interest Group and was really a thought provoking look at the challenges around developing standard in the UK and beyond.
In my talk, I introduced the EAC Lidar Guidelines project and spoke specifically to the way in which the project has been developed to be as inclusive as possible, looking at the benefits and challenges of co-working across a continent.
If you are interested you can watch the talk here.
Cranborne Chase Lidar Portal Launch!

Through the spring of 2023 I have been working on a citizen science portal for the Chase and Chalke Landscape Partnership. The aim was to provide a user-friendly mapping tool to allow volunteers to access 300km2 of high resolution lidar data and create records for potential archaeological features. The site and mapping portal were designed in partnership with Artychoke Graphic Design and Steve Smith.
The portal builds on the experience of several previous and ongoing citizen science projects such as the Kent and Surrey lidar portals and the Chilterns Beacons project, using the Historic Environment Record Open System (HEROS) as the data collection and mapping tool.
In addition to the lidar visualisations the portal features, historic maps, aerial photos, HER and scheduled monument data. Unique to this project is a complete online training course for volunteers, covering all the background and practical information they need to understand the lidar data and read the landscape. Volunteers can undertake this training flexibly to suit their availability, making the project accessible to many more people and the community is also supported by monthly Zoom meet-ups.
If you are interested in joining the volunteer group why not take a look at our introductory webinar for more information?
Archwilio Refresh Project

Archwilio is a Wales-wide bi-lingual database of archaeological and historical information. First launched in 2010, the website was a pioneer of public access to Historic Environment geospatial records.
Fast forward 12 years and although the archaeological records themselves were refreshed nightly, the website and mapping were in need of a remodel with users reporting that they loved Archwilio but found it difficult to use to its full potential.
PTS Consultancy worked alongside Artychoke Graphic Design and Steve Smith, HEROS developer, to refresh the website and mapping functions. For the first time an extensive help section with video demonstrations was also provided.
We’re really proud of the refreshed site, why not go and take a look for yourself at archwilio.org.uk
EAC Guidelines for the use of Lidar in Heritage Management

Working for the EAC Remote Sensing Working Group, PTS Consultancy have been tasked with creating Guidelines for the Use of Lidar in Heritage Management across Europe. The guidelines will be based on the template of the successful EAC Geophysical Survey Guidelines.
We propose to actively draw together the experience of colleagues across Europe and form a working group to make sure contributions are as relevant as possible to the whole sector.
We began work in spring 2022 with an online survey of heritage professionals across Europe and kicked-off the guidelines project with an introductory seminar in July, followed by two detailed seminars in October and November 2022.
More than 50 professionals have offered their time and expertise to co-author the guidelines Since January 2023 the authors have been working to draft sections of the document with the aim of presentation to the EAC in Spring 2024.
To find out more please contact Rebecca.
New for 2022! Lidar Sensor Training

We are thrilled to announce that we have dates for our lidar courses in partnership with Level 5 Supplies.
In 2022 we launched a range of specialist training courses, designed to support lidar sensor use and integration accelerate the tricky early stages of integration. The one and two day courses offer the ideal combination of theory and practice, ensuring you develop a sound working knowledge of LiDAR hardware and software. Learn how to get started with generating, recording and interpreting point clouds for robotics, surveying and autonomous systems. It will be an exclusive opportunity to understand the fundamentals of digital 3D LiDAR technology with the Level Five Supplies team and expert course leader, Dr. Rebecca Bennett.
Introductory course – for Project Managers, Junior Technicians, non-technical analysts and consultants, decision-makers.
Integrators course – for Product engineers, Software engineers, Technicians, Developers, Technical Consultants and Researchers.
To find out more and express your interest in attending visit the Level Five Supplies Website
Remembering Martin Isenburg…

It is with great sadness that we heard of the death of LAStools developer Martin Isenburg in September 2021.
I have known and worked with Martin for many years, using LAStools as the foundation of our Advanced Lidar Course and being fortunate enough to teach alongside him in Poznan at the LITA workshops in 2013 and 2014.
At the Aerial Archaeology Research Group conference on the 17th September 2021 I was privileged to be asked to share a few words in memory of Martin and his contribution to the use of lidar in archaeology. I have posted these here to capture a small part of his legacy and my gratitude.
A note from the pandemic…

All of our in-person training courses for historic environment professionals are currently suspended due to the global pandemic.
We are working hard to adapt some elements of our training model online, but as we all know remote training isn’t quite the same! We do not expect to be running courses in person until Spring/ Summer 2022. Please bear with us and drop us a line if you have any queries, need advice regarding remote sensing or would like to be added to our contact list for future courses.
All the best, and remember in the words of Sandi Toksvig, “we will get past this“
All about me…

I am an archaeologist specialising in aerial and ground-based landscape studies and GIS. Specifically I am interested in the application of airborne remote sensing prospection techniques; airborne laser scanning (lidar), multi and hyper-spectral imaging for archaeological prospection. You can follow the links to find out more about my research interests and publications.
I have lots of experience in managing heritage data, especially geospatial data, having worked for a range of organisations across the commercial, academic and local government sectors. Currently I put this all to good work running PTS Consultancy, where our main aim is to provide excellent practical training for heritage professionals and support community heritage projects to engage with lidar and landscapes.
When not at my desk you’ll most likely find me outdoors – running, cycling or swimming – and I’m always on the look out for my next adventure big or small!
If you have any questions or just want to say hello, why not drop me a line using the form below?
I look forward to hearing from you!
I am typically at my desk weekdays during school hours (9am- 3pm GMT / BST)
Drop me a line…
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