Below are some teaching materials I have created to get people started using ALS for archaeological landscape research. Please note that these are quite old now so you’ll need to do a bit of work to apply them, but overall they still form a useful (and free!) detailed introduction.

Please use freely for your own information and the instruction of others but recognise the rights of the author to be acknowledged if the material contained is disseminated. If you’re very new to the subject you might want to take a look at the quick introductory guides to Airborne Laser Scanning and Digital Spectral Data

Quick Guide to batch processing in RVT Standalone (2017)

ZRC SAZU Institute of Anthropological and Spatial Studies’ Relief Visualisation Toolbox allows for batch processing of lidar tiles using pre-determined settings. If you are using this tool regularly or for large landscape areas my quick guide to batch processing might come in handy. There is also a wicked QGIS plugin for this tool – check it out here.

QGIS / GRASS Practicals (Graduate course)

The graduate course materials began as 3D Archaeology Summer School in 2010 and were revised, added to and re-worked each year for graduate level summer schools across Europe, with the latest version created for the Lidar Innovative Technology for Archaeology (LITA2) workshop in Poznan, July 2014

LITA2 workshop 1 – Introduction to QGIS

  • Setting up your QGIS Project
  • Opening lidar raster files in QGIS
  • Create a hillshade (shaded relief model)
  • Using the profile tool
  • Preparing the map layout for printing

LITA2 workshop 2 – Digitising features in QGIS

  • Creating a simple vector file in QGIS
  • Digitising Archaeological features from a lidar visualisation
  • Add a Web-based Mapping Layer

 Student Feedback

“Jeszcze raz chciałbym podziękować za możliwość uczestniczenia warsztatach i poszerzenia w ten sposób swojej wiedzy, a także za czasjaki poświęciłeś mi na wspólne przejrzenie zdjęć. Było to (jak zawsze!) ekstremalnie bogate w informacje i możliwości poznawczeprzedsięwzięcie, dodatkowo, odbywające się w miłej i twórczo inspirującej atmosferze, jaką tworzyli wszyscy wykładowcy i uczestnicy. Bardzo dobry pomysł i wykonanie!!!”

I would like to thank you again for the opportunity to participate in workshops and thus expand their knowledge , as well as time I sacrificed my view the images together. It was ( as always ! ) extremely rich in information and cognitive abilities project , in addition, held in a relaxed and creatively an inspiring atmosphere that created all the lecturers and participants . Very good idea and execution !!!

LITA 2013 Participant

Dr. Bennett provided a professional and insightful introduction to the use of GIS for a group of Honours students who, for many, were experiencing a semester of uncertainty amidst Pandemic regulations. Dr. Bennett’s regular, approachable, and accessible workshops on the subject in the online work-space encouraged us to engage with GIS and add a new tool to our skillset as developing archaeologists. Her positive mindset, can-do attitude, and belief in the ability of her students acted as a reminder of why many of us came to university in the first place – to explore our own potential.

Nomination for Teaching Award, GIS for Archaeologists (BSC / MSC), Edinburgh University, 2021

Baaaaardzo jestem zadowolona z tych warsztatów! Ich intensywność sprawiła, że przez cały kolejny tydzień musiałam regenerować szare komórki w szumie bałtyckich fal Ale już wróciłam do komputera i zabieram się za ćwiczenie nowo nabytych umiejętności! “

“Soooo I am pleased with this workshop ! Their intensity made ​​throughout the following week I had to regenerate brain cells in the sound of the waves of the Baltic But back to your computer and get down to practice newly acquired skills!”

LITA 2014 Participant

Dr Bennett was always prepared, enthusiastic and engaged. She made sure to involve us in everything from lecture to labs.

Archaeology of Ancient Britain (Duke Graduate Course, 2013) Participant

“The spring break trip was so helpful in integrating knowledge and experience

Archaeology of Ancient Britain (Duke Graduate Course, 2013) Participant